

Hello, I’m Roukana, and I’m deeply passionate about empowering professionals in both academia and industry to excel by equipping them with the essential skills necessary for success.

Here, I aim to share my thoughts, reflections, and opinions with you.

Where to find Free Books Online?

There are several ways to access free books online. Here are some popular methods: 1. Project Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg is a digital library offering over 60,000 free eBooks. These books are primarily older works where copyright has expired, so you’ll find a wide range of classic literature and older non-fiction titles. 2. Open Library: Open…

Does the Information Science Theory have any Power?

In the fast-paced digital world we live in, information is constantly being generated and disseminated (don’t you feel that you are only surrounded with information). Understanding how to leverage this information effectively is made possible through the discipline of Information Science Theory. Did you check Do you have the needed Digital Information Literacy Skills? Understanding…

Do you have the needed Digital Information Literacy Skills?

Acquiring Digital Information Literacy Skills: An Essential Guide Introduction In today’s digital age, literacy extends far beyond reading and writing. The vast expanse of readily accessible information necessitates the development of digital information literacy skills. This blog post aims to explore what digital information literacy entails and provide effective strategies for acquisition and enhancement. Understanding…

Feeling Down and lack Motivation? Try these

I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling down and lost. It’s completely normal to experience moments of uncertainty and lack of motivation. Here are a few suggestions to help you regain motivation and find your direction: Remember, it’s okay to feel lost at times. It’s a part of the journey toward discovering your true path.…


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